Friday, August 6, 2010

Our Church Vision

A Radical Vision for Historical Biblical Christianity

* a radical understanding of God's Word and His Kingdom - and applying it now to our lives in a Polish context

* all about Jesus - SOLO CHRISTO
* all abouit grace - SOLA GRATIA
* all about faith - SOLA FIDE
* all about Scripture - SOLA SCRIPTURA
* all about His glory - SOLI DEO GLORIA

(not in any special order:)

* understanding His Word and putting it into daily practice
* discovering our purpose in His plan
* serving Him and serving others (being a tool, a mirror, a clay pot)
* reading His Word - slowly carefully and seeking what is really there - and then applying it to our daily lives
* using the gifts and talents He's given us 'for the building up of His Body' - all members (including women & children)
* allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us in the light of Scripture
* seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness
* follow us as we follow Christ
* relationship Christianity - first with Jesus and then with our 'family'
* upside down Kingdom - where the greatest King of all is the greatest Servant of all
* His rule and the expansion of His realm in our everday lives & situations
* Spiritual warfare
* Good News for the poor
* discovering the real Jesus
* being pioneers...

This has formed the basis of many ideas we have as a fellowship for the work we are trying to do for the LORD in Poznan, POLAND.


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