Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Taylor Times - Christmas 2009

“As for me and my house we will serve the LORD..” Joshua 24:15

Warmest greetings & love in Christ from the Taylor Clan in snowy Poznan, Poland! We hope that you have a brilliant one celebrating the birth of Jesus – our Lord and Saviour!

Dale, Asia,
Hannah, Sarah, Abi, Ben, & Reuben

Mission from LINCOLN–
“It’s about time…”

At the end of July we hosted a group of teenagers from Lincoln Baptist Church (UK) who helped us run an English Language Camp in our house!

Polish teens joined them everyday for trips, classes and in the evenings heard about the Lord Jesus through testimonies, music etc.

“It’s about time…”

The title of the Camp enabled several ‘play on words’ from encounters with history, English grammar tenses to, of course, the idea of making a final and definite decision.


The moment all the young people left, Dale was diagnosed with a herniated disc which meant spending nearly 2 months in a horizontal position on the floor.
With medicines, physiotherapy and regular checks things seem more under control, but it means a much more careful lifestyle now -
if it is possible to stop Dale running around!!!

Jazwiec - Christian Medieval Fellowship

In his free time Dale continues to be involved in both Medieval and World War re-enactment groups, preparing history exhibitions and lectures for schools and libraries in Polish & English. Photos from the last exhibition “Family Heroes” can be seen at:

One of the amazing blessings from the Lord this year was Asia passing her Driving Licence – at first attempt! A revolution in the family! Asia enjoyed the new driving licence, taking our kids and friends to the lake all August, until on the first day of the new school year she had an accident crashing into 3 other cars. Later, after discovering that the brakes had failed absolutely and completely, we were very grateful to the Lord that no-one was hurt! Our mechanic managed to get the minibus going once again!!! However, we need to seriously consider exchanging the bus for a more reliable one, as we keep fighting with bigger and smaller repairs.
Our family trip to England this year was not possible due to previous repairs needed on the minibus and Dale’s back problem. So prayer’s needed!

Hannah & Sarah continue their home schooling under a Christian school in Wroclaw. In January 2010 they are taking their first exams under the Polish Education system! Sarah started Music School in September and an early Christmas present appeared in our house on the last day of November – a piano – life will never be the same!
Abi, Ben and Reuben are at King David’s School in Poznan, where Asia teaches English and is the Form teacher for Class 5. In October the school organized a week’s conference with Christian Education experts from UK, which kept Asia busy translating both lectures and materials, as well as looking after some of the speakers staying at our home.
Teaching our girls at home has resulted in Asia being asked to write down our story and experiences for a book on Home Education in Poland, to be published early next year.

CELT – Christian English Language Teaching

Dale continues to work with CELT, mainly with business folks and in teaching teenagers preparing for their final Secondary School exams. Most of the classes are nowadays individual ones, more personal and flexible. Our aim is still to build relationships whilst at the same time taking opportunities to share the Good news whenever they arise. (I Peter 3:15)

The Building
Currently snow-covered! We are suffering a bit from the fact that the building has never really been finished. There is no insulation on the house which is causing some minor damp problems, but worst are the temperature problems in winter and the accompanying gas bills!!!

New Life Christian Fellowship

Dale is one of the Elders of the fellowship, which continues to meet in the house on Sunday mornings. We’re about to start a bigger project on translating the New Testament into Polish deaf sign language – to be accessible via internet (& DVD) for deaf people throughout Poland. Having spent several years with a small group of deaf people we realize they are in fact a completely unreached ethnic group, with their own culture, language and completely different way of thinking. They’ve been left to themselves in their own world for many years – time to change it!
Dale has just finished teaching a series on the Book of Esther and in the new year hopes to start one on Mark’s Gospel.

Royal Rangers -16th Scout Group - Poznan
The Royal Rangers (a Christian Scout organization) are expanding their work in Poznan as several new troops have started. Dale is leader of a specialist troop as the Model Club he has run for years has now come under the umbrella of the Rangers, as has Jazwiec. Two other troops use our home at the moment – the Eagles (boys) and Falcons (girls)!

Prayer Pointers:
Our Family – education and health!!!
New Life – growth in the church.
New Testament Deaf Project.
Development of King David’s School (more staff & children, plus new location)
Plans for next summer - ?
Jazwiec exhibitions, tournaments, outreach opportunities!
Royal Rangers at our house!
Building & Minibus problems!

with all our love in Jesus,
The Taylor Clan ><>

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